Monday, July 4, 2011

Standard 5 and Standard 1 update.

Today was one of those days when everything seems to run smoothly, despite a few wounds and shouting matches here and there. I was worried Standard 5 would be bored cos their reading comprehension was about sheep, but they were surprisingly animated on the subject, especially when Joseph Katana asked if sheep and goats could "sex a baby" and did quite a realistic impression of the act. This then led back to the subject of human/goat relations and I once again reiterated that it is unadvisable to "make the sex" with any kind of animal, even if you do own it.

We had a lively debate on the benefits of farming Merino sheep rather than Masaai (they have thicker wool while the Masaai sheep has better meat: we all learned a lot of valuable information today) and discussed the benefits of farming sheep rather than goats (sheep are dumber and easier to manage.) Library class was also pretty cool, they kept calling me over to show me their books and exclaiming over dinosaurs ("They lived before people Madam?! How do we know they did if we never saw them?!"), penguins (" Madam, these birds, can you eat them? They must be easy to catch, it says they cannot fly") and parachuting ("Madam why are these people doing this foolish thing? They will fall and splat like mucus.")

Standard 1 were good too, we wrote our news (everyone spent the weekend praying apparently, quite a devout bunch of 6 year olds) and practised our handwriting. I got a bit teary when we tried to think of words beginning with b. When I first tried to get them to do it in January they came up with "ball", "banana", and after 10 minutes of me gesticulating frantically, "bag'. Today we got 41 words! Without any help from me, and including such gems as "bless", "bandage", "basketball" and "bounce". I was so proud of them and they were chuffed with themselves, we had a clap and a singsong to celebrate."Bottom" caused as much hilarity for Standard 1 as Joseph's goat sex impression had for Standard 5. Ah, kids. So precious. :)

Moses Jr and Raphael, St 1

Pauline, Rael, Molly and Anna, St 5

The famous Joseph Katana and Samuel Kizito, St5

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