We waited for it to clear then quickly tagged and painted our teams. I was Team Elephant with 25 kids from Standard 7 to Standard 1. "Elephant" was too long and awkward to chant, so we settled for screaming the Swahili word "TEMMMBBBOOOOO!" in opposing teams faces instead. We actually managed to get the kids from the other teams to start chanting for Team Tembo, that didnt go down well. :) When we got to the field Mr Joseph led the proceedings with the aid of a megaphone held so close to his mouth that it muffled 90% of what he was saying, and I rounded up the giggling kindergarten kids as they ran repeatedly onto the pitch.
We ran the sack race-and won it. Then we won the wheelbarrow race.We came second in the 100 metres boys and tried to remain calm and non-competitive about the whole thing.
Before we could win anything else, the rain decided to make another appearance. It bucketed down, we had to leg it to the school dripping wet and smeared in rapidly melting paint.
We waited it out, went home and changed, and came back for more. We marched to the field through the mud, 500 kids chanting "Rain rain go away, come again another day!" at the tops of their voices.We couldnt have our egg and spoon race as the children in charge of the eggs had eaten them and lost the spoons, but we had our 3 legged race and then the tug of war. Our finest moment.
All my Standard 5 kids were screaming "Pull Madam, puuuuulll!" and boasting to their friends that their madam is strong like a man. Not sure how to feel about that one, but our team was mostly tiny girls and the team against us had huge Standard 7 boys, so I pulled alright.I pulled for Ireland! And aww yeah: we won!! I got home at 5.30 after an 8am start covered in mud, paint, grass and sweat, my voice gone from screaming and cheering. It was epic. :)
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